Designers use their imagination & skills to create interesting layouts, ads, designs for web or newspapers. There is a high demand for designers in all companies & studios. Arena's Design & Publishing Program trains students in all aspects of web designing, digital graphics & image editing. Develop the artistic skills required to create attractive & impressive designs & graphics.
Successful completion of 10 + 2 (any stream) Undergraduates and graduates are welcome to apply
10 months* (2 hours a day for 3 days a week) Fast-track option available
To know the latest fee plans and loans facility/flexible payment plan, contact us on 9826494824/9644824824
Feel Free To Contact Us
202,204,207 Apollo Trade Center, 2-B Rajgarh Kothi, A.B Road on BRTS, Geeta Bhawan Square, Madhya Pradesh -452001, INDORE, INDIA
0731-2494824, 4064824 +91-9826494824, 9644824824, 9755554824